Collection: Floor bag

The packaging bag should be exclusive and food -safe, but the content must be easy to dose?
The standing floor bag offers much more ..

Why find standing floor bags in more and more areas

One knows Floor bag In the meantime from all areas and not without reason.

Whether in the area of ​​food such as spices or tea, whether for athletes' food, food supplements or for pet food - oneFloor bag is the perfect packaging bag when it comes to exclusive and practical presentation of your filling goods.

Stand floor bags are practically in handling

The integrated standing floor opens during the filling so that theFloor bag Finds place on every shelf.

The weldable standing floor bag can be easily opened (first opening guarantee). EThis can be openedFloor bag Close again as often as possible due to the incorporated pressure closure and the content remains protected while simultaneous in the simplest portionability.

Individuality by standing floor bags

A high -quality bag expresses the exclusivity of your goods. Select the right standing floor bag for your product with the desired dimension from the numerous variants.


Width x height of the pure bag content
plus flag above the closure



FAQ standing floor bag

What are the advantages of standing floor bags compared to other types of packaging?

Stand floor bags offer an exclusive and at the same time practical presentation of the content. In addition, handling when filling and dosing is very easy, while at the same time the shapely placement on the shelf leaves an exclusive impression through the integrated standing floor.


Which types of products are suitable for standing floor bags?

Of course, standing floor bags are food -safe, the certificate for this is available for download on our site.
Stand floor bags are therefore ideal for food such as spices, tea, athlete food, nutritional supplements or also for pet food.


How is a standing floor bag closed and opened?

The flag in the upper area of ​​the bag is welded, so that the standbar bag can be securely closed after filling. As a result, the customer receives an initial opening guarantee. After easy opening through a train along the practical tears, the standing floor bag can be opened and closed again as often as possible by the integrated pressure lock.


Are there any different dimensions and designs?

Yes, standing floor is available in many different versions, so that the packaging bag can be chosen according to the packaged product. A selection of different dimensions complete the wide range.


Can I design a standing floor bag individually?

In the course of a special design, the standing floor bag can be designed individually in the desired dimension and execution. Printing with e.g. your own logo or contents are also a way to individually design a standing floor bag and underline your own product.